You see, I had just discovered the joy that is Fantasy Fiction and I was about seven books deep in The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. I saw all the limitless possibilities balancing with a true storyteller's knack for painting his story with realism- so as not to overwhelm me with the pretentious, Dungeons and Dragons fantasy.
The only flaw was the ubiquitous use of stock characters. Not all characters were stereotypes, but many of them were. The real atrocity I faced, contradicting my beliefs that Goodkind was an amazing first-time author, was the fact that, no matter what the ordeal, not a single character ever developed. It was in this disappointment that I found the writer inside me.
I began work on my own fantasy world, with regions and cultures and histories, eventually finding a story and a cast of characters who- months later- disappointed the hell out of me. I kept the world I had created, revising, reprising, and refining for about three years until it became what it is today. Then I sat down and wrote about new characters. The next thing I knew- which is a major exaggeration- I had finished my first novel, "The Lonely Wood." It was 435 pages. 115,000+ words.
Over time, writing only when I had nothing better to do turned into not caring to do other things, so I might have some more time to write. This was what started me on the path to being a serious writer. Not just a hobbyist. Seriously, folks... I write at least six hours a day, on one thing or another. Including drafts for articles like this, which I haven't yet published for your viewing pleasure.
Anyhow, it's an art to make people laugh internally while simultaneously informing them of something they didn't know. I'm still a little new at it, so I just cheat and go for funny topics, like child-molesting werewolf/vampire hybrids with guardian dragons to protect them from evil-doers. By the way, if you think I mad-libbed that last sentence, refer to my February blog with a very similar name...
The truth of it is, I needed a good number five spot for my top ten reasons. (And I'm still holding out for that kinky librarian/teacher type who really loves my work)
Jesus, if you don't believe I'm unbalanced, go back and read that paragraph again. I'm all over the place! I have run-on and fragmented sentences in the same sentence! Oh, and there's the whole woman-bashing and immediate, avid apology thing. And that weird carnival metaphor, what's with that? Anyway, contrary to this particular article, most writing balances me out. And I loves it!
Am I to number ten yet? I should have numbered the headers, darn it!
Seriously, that looks really tough.